Friday, August 27, 2021



A Tribute to Major Dhyan Chand

National Sports Day 2021: It is observed on 29 August every year to commemorate the birthday of Indian hockey legend Major Dhyan Chand. Born on 29 August 1905 in present-day Prayagraj, UP, Major Dhyan Chand was the captain of the Gold medal-winning Indian hockey team at the Berlin Olympics in 1936. Let us read more about National Sports Award, its history, significance, and Major Dhyan Chand.

Sports are important for the physical and mental well being of humans. Individuals who play sports remain healthy. India has produced many sporting legends like PT Usha, also known as Udanpari, Sachin Tendulkar, also known as Master Blaster, and Major Dhyan Chand, also known as 'Hockey Wizard'. 

National Sports Day is celebrated on 29 August every year to commemorate the birthday of Indian hockey legend Major Dhyan Chand. This article sheds light on Indian hockey wizard Major Dhyan Chand, history and significance of National Sports Day. 

Major Dhyan Chand

Widely known as 'Wizard of Hockey', the greatest hockey player of India, Major Dhyan Chand Singh, was born on 29 August 1905 in present-day Praygraj, UP. After getting a basic education, Dhyan Chand joined the Indian army as a soldier in 1922.

Major Dhyan Chand was a true sportsperson and was motivated by Subedar Major Tiwari, who was himself a sports lover,  to play Hockey. Dhyan Chand started playing hockey under his supervision. 

Due to his outstanding performance in Hockey, Dhyan Chand was appointed as 'Lance Naik' in 1927 and was promoted to Nayak in 1932, and Subedar in 1936. The same year he Captained the Indian hockey team. He went on to become Lieutenant, Captain and was eventually promoted to Major.

Major Dhyan Chand's performance

Major Dhyan Chand was a great hockey player. If a ball stuck in his stick, it scored a goal. This was the reason that once his stick was broken during a match to check whether the stick has any magnet or something else inside it or not.

Major Dhyan Chand had scored more than 400 international goals in his career from 1926 to 1948 while scoring nearly 1,000 goals In his entire career. 

In a bid to pay tribute to such a legendary player, the Government of India decided to celebrate his birthday as the National Sports Day in 2012.

Before this recognition, he was awarded the Padma Bhushan Award by the Government of India in 1956, the third-largest civilian honour in India. 

National Sports Day Celebration

National Sports Day is celebrated extensively at the national level. It is organized every year in the Rashtrapati Bhavan and the President of India presents National Sports Awards to the outstanding players of the country.  

Under the National Sports Award, players and former players are honoured with awards such as Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award, Arjuna Award, and Dronacharya Award. Along with all these honours, the "Dhyan Chand Award" is also given on this day.

After the death of Major Dhyan Chand in 1979, the Indian Postal Department paid tribute to him and issued stamps in his honour. As a tribute to him, the National Stadium of Delhi has been renamed Major Dhyan Chand Stadium, Delhi.

(Source :

Online Activities

1. Class 6-10: Drawing on National Sports Day (Click here to upload drawing pic)

2. Class 11-12: Poster Making on National Sports Day (Click here to upload Poster pic)

CLICK HERE TO PARTICIPATE IN ONLINE QUIZ (use mail id given by Vidyalaya)

(Students scoring 80% or more marks will receive a certificate)



Read India Celebration (International) is not a competition but a grand stage to celebrate readers, knowers, gyani’s, vidyavan and leaders from India and across the world. It’s an annual Readership and Leadership festival for school (standard 3rd – 12th) & college (undergraduate & graduate) students. It is a unique initiative for students to indulge in a transformative non-academic reading, problem solving and leadership experience. A platform for students from all backgrounds, geographies, cultures, societies to share knowledge, opinions, discuss ideas & solutions to issues that matter to them. A platform to celebrate knowledge and propagators of Gyan and Independent Thinking (Jagruth Swatantra Soonch) based culture. It’s a stage to reinforce the value and importance of Gyan & Independent Thinking as a means to prosperity & peaceful coexistence.

The winners in each category will be awarded

Category 1 | Grade 3rd to 5th – 1st Prize: Laptop; 2nd Prize: Tablet + Prize Money

Category 2 | Grade 6th to 9th – 1st Prize: Laptop; 2nd Prize: Tablet + Prize Money

Category 3 | 10th to 12th – 1st Prize: Laptop; 2nd Prize: Tablet + Prize Money

Category 4 | Undergrad & Grad – 1st Prize: Laptop; 2nd Prize: Tablet + Prize Money

RIC 2021 – Read, Think, Act – Is to Enable / Enhance / Empower the Read (3R’s), Think (Independent), Act (Intelligent) factor in students for success…

  1. Read focuses on 3 R’s

a.   Reading Books

b.   Reading Self

c.   Reading Situations

2. Think focuses on 3 things which can be done to get you where you want to be

3. Act focuses on doing 3 things on a daily basis for conscious & continuous improvement

Participate in Read India Celebration 2021 (International)

In 3 simple steps:

  2. Read – Read a book or research on a topic (refer to the proposed list of 25 themes / topics below; students are free to choose any book / topic of their choice)
  3. Submit / Upload below 2 files i.e. a & b to RIC website from student dashboard (Upload Files Tab after you Login in to RIC: 

a. Doc file: A 2 page summary (PDF or MS Word doc)

– Section#1 / Page1: Summarize the message & learnings in the book / Independent views on the research topic / theme (Minimum 3 Pros & Cons + conclusion)  in your own words (*Either book or research not both)

– Section#2 / Page2: Describe and propose a solution to any problem of your choice from “Upload Files tab in students dashboard”

b. Video file: Make a 1 to 2 minutes video about the message & learning from the book / research topic starting with a self-introduction

* Submit both doc & video file at the same time i.e. select 2 files and save by 15Sep2021 from students dashboard (Upload Files Section)

*For students in India, Hindi & English language submissions are allowed.

Note: Students of all nationalities from around the world can participate. International submissions only in English language.

Timelines for RIC 2021:

  1. Last date for student registrations – Aug 31st, 2021
  2. Last date for student submissions – Sep 15th, 2021
  3. Round #2 screening begins for 100 qualifiers (could move subject to volume of participants) – Sep / Oct, 2021
  4. Leadership coaching sessions for round #2 qualifiers – Oct / Nov, 2021
  5. Grand Finale for 4 finalists in each category – Dec 2021


Transition to Vidyavan (knowledge based) society from a Shikshit (literate) society.

Nominated book for the year 2021 – Leading Self & Beyond (Download eBook)

Proposed Topic for the year 2021 – ”Use, Addiction and Abuse of Technology” – Can technology potentially empower (effective use) or hamper youth (addiction / abuse) of nations / world?

Cadence & Rules for RIC 2021

  1. Students can read the nominated book “Leading Self & Beyond” (eBook can be downloaded from / or read any book of their choice on the nominated topic or a topic of their own choice (e.g. changes in lifestyle due to corona pandemic, difference between Shiksha (literacy) & Vidya (education), Measure of Education, Knowledge based societies Vs Commerce based societies, Sports & youth, Role of education in evolution of a society etc.) and
  2. Word submission i.e. Summary / views & findings / message & learnings from the book / topic should not be more than 2 A4 size pages, hand written or typed including 1 novel idea to solve any household /street / community / regional / national / international issue (e.g. Impact of ignorant leaders on societies/nations, commercially driven public policies, agrarian problems, drying of rivers, digital media propaganda, social media misinformation campaigns, depletion of ground water levels, traffic problems, decongestion of cities, obstruction to normal life due to street protests, river/air pollution, sea contaminations etc. Upload to the website from students dashboard.
  3. Video Submission: Start with self-introduction and should not be more 2 minutes. Summarize the written in voice format.

> Submissions will be evaluated for a total of 100 points (i.e. 20 points each for content, communication, research rigor / depth in understanding of the topic, creativity in solving the problem they chose to address & Video submission). Note: If the selected topic is of student’s own choice, evaluation will still happen for 100 points, but the evaluation criteria will be at the discretion of the evaluators. Choice of topic, originality & depth of analysis, summarization and the uniqueness of the idea in solving the issue will get the highest weightage.

*Reiterating – Originality, Research Rigor, Communication, Independent Thinking, Views & Creativity in the submission will be key.

> Top 100 students will qualify for round 2 from the online submissions (i.e. one pager, which can be written in any of the two languages i.e. Hindi or English) in each category i.e. School & College resp.

Special feature of RIC 2021 for round #2 qualifiers – Leadership coaching sessions by experts

  1. Academician – Dr. Pradeep Kumar Ramancharla (Professor, AO – IIIT, Hyderabad)
  2. Global Corporate Leader – Raj Panishetty (IT Automation Head / Senior Vice President of a Global Bank based out of New York)
  3. Renowned Security Expert, Policy Analyst, Author – Abhinav Pandya (Founder & CEO, USANAS Foundation, Rajasthan)

>  Out of the 100 qualified students in round 2, 4 participants from each category (i.e. Category 1 – 3rd to 5th Grade; Category 2 – 6th to 9th Grade, Category 3 – 10th to 12th Grade, Category 4 – Undergraduate & Graduates students will make it to the RIC2021 Grand Finale which will be a speech & questionnaire round + 1 Wild Card entry

> Grand Finale shall be organized in the month of Dec 2021. Details on the date, time, technology platform for the grand finale to be confirmed in the month of Nov 2021.

Proposed Themes / Topics for the RIC 2021

  1. Road ahead for Humanity – Knowledge Based Culture Vs Commerce Based Culture?
  2. Leadership Styles – Values Or Valuables; Greed Or Honesty; Service Or Grandeur
  3. Entrepreneurs Vs Job Seekers (Risk Vs Comfort?)
  4. Creativity Vs Knowledge Vs Logic
  5. Top priorities for state – Education, Health Care, Nature Care & Employment Creation?
  6. Merit Based Society Vs Group or People Controlled Society – Pros & Cons!!
  7. Beliefs Based Society Vs Independent Thinking Society – Merits & Demerits!!
  8. Technology for Evolution (choice) Vs Technology for Devolution (addiction & abuse)?
  9. Between Use and Abuse of Natural Resources – How to strike a balance?
  10. Corona – Crisis Vs Opportunity Vs Punishment?
  11. People in Policy – Courage (& the price to be paid) Vs Fear (& consequences)
  12. A Progressive Society – Is it People or State driven?
  13. A cultural shift to nurture creativity – From being part of the problem (/silent) to being part of the solution (think & experiment solutions!)
  14. Leaders – How to draw the line between need & greed?
  15. Is there a need to introduce a global citizen element in the school education system keeping the local flavors?
  16. Indian Education Systems
  17. Global Education Systems
  18. The road to economic recovery for nations / world post Covid-19
  19. Fixing accountability on countries spreading pandemics / global unrest
  20. The need for stronger & accountable global bodies to deal with 21st century pandemics / global challenges
  21. Is there a need to add a course / subject on Emotional Intelligence as part of the curriculum for high school students globally?
  22. A student’s guide to preparing for the Unknowns & Uncertainties in life!
  23. Is Knowledge the only thread which can keep the world united & harmonious in diversity?
  24. Why do Ignorance & Intelligence go together in the “I / Self”? and how does one know from where the self is operating from (Intelligence or Ignorance?)?
  25. Are Ignorant Leaders the greatest threat to our planet?

For any further queries, please feel free to call on Cell# +91 8688 120 864 or write to us @

Enjoy the knowledge festival!!


Saturday, August 14, 2021



Library, KV Bacheli wishes Happy 75th Independence day to all the Dear Students, Parents and Teachers. This Independence Month Library, KV  Bacheli brings you many exiting Activities to fulfill this day with joy, while learning. So, Lets begin and make it a memorable day. 

Here is the list of Activities that can be performed by Students:
  1. Best Capture/Photo with National Flag in Ethnic Outfit.
  2. Short Video - Act as a National Independence Activist (Max. 30 to 40 Seconds)
  3. Video - Dance - Record a Video of Dance on a Patriotic Song (Max. 1 to 1.5 minutes)
  4. Poster Making - Make a Poster on theme of Independence Day
Note:- After completing all the activities, send them to 8889071764 through whats App.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

National Library Day : 12 Aug 2021 (Celebration of 129th Birth anniversary of Dr. S R Ranganathan Father of Indian Library Science)


डा. एस. आर. रंगनाथन का जन्म 12 अगस्त 1892 को शियाली, मद्रास (वर्तमान चेन्नई) में हुआ था।

रंगनाथन के योगदान का पुस्तकालय विज्ञान पर विश्वव्यापी प्रभाव पड़ा। रंगनाथन की शिक्षा शियाली के हिन्दू हाई स्कूल, टीचर्स कॉलेज, सइदापेट में हुई थीं।

मद्रास क्रिश्चियन कॉलेज से उन्होंने 1913 और 1916 में गणित में बी. ए. और एम. ए. की उपाधि प्राप्त की।

1917 में उन्होंने गवर्नमेंट कॉलेज, कोयंबटूर और 1921-23 के दौरान प्रेज़िडेंसी। कॉलेज, मद्रास विश्वविद्यालय में अध्यापन कार्य किया।

डा. एस. आर. रंगनाथन को भारतीय पुस्तकालय विज्ञान के जनक कहा जाता है। 

Biography of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan

पूरा नाम- शियाली रामामृत रंगनाथन

जन्म- 12 अगस्त 1892, तमिलनाडु

निधन- 27 सितंबर 1972, बेंगलुरु

शिक्षा- मद्रास क्रिश्चियन कॉलेज, यूनिवर्सिटी कॉलेज लंदन

माता-पिता- राममृता अय्यर, सीतलक्ष्मी

व्यवसाय- लेखक, अकादमिक, गणितज्ञ, पुस्तकालयाध्यक्ष

शैली- पुस्तकालय विज्ञान, प्रलेखन, सूचना विज्ञान

उल्लेखनीय काम -  पुस्तकालय वर्गीकरण के लिए प्रोलेगोमेना लाइब्रेरी साइंस के पांच कानून बृहदान्त्र वर्गीकरण रामानुजन: द मैन एंड द मैथमैटिशियन, वर्गीकृत सूची कोड: शब्दकोश सूची कोड के लिए अतिरिक्त नियमों के साथ पुस्तकालय प्रशासन, इंडियन लाइब्रेरी मैनिफेस्टो, लाइब्रेरी अथॉरिटीज़, लाइब्रेरियन और लाइब्रेरी वर्कर्स के लिए लाइब्रेरी मैनुअल वर्गीकरण और संचार, शीर्षक और कैनन; पांच कैटलॉग कोड का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन

पुरस्कार -  पद्म श्री 1957 में

Post - 1924 में रंगनाथन को मद्रास विश्वविद्यालय का पहला पुस्तकालयाध्यक्ष बनाया गया और इस पद की योग्यता। हासिल करने के लिए वह यूनिवर्सिटी कॉलेज, लंदन में अध्ययन करने के लिए इंग्लैंड गए।

1925 से मद्रास में। उन्होंने यह काम पूरी लगन से शुरू किया और 1944 तक इस पद पर बने रहें। 1945-47 के दौरान उन्होंने बनारस (वर्तमान वाराणसी) हिन्दू विश्वविद्यालय में पुस्तकालाध्यक्ष और पुस्तकालय विज्ञान के प्राध्यापक के रूप में कार्य किया.

1947-54 के दौरान उन्होंने दिल्लीविश्वविद्यालय में पढ़ाया। 1954-57 के दौरान वह ज्यूरिख, स्विट्ज़रलैंड में शोध और लेखन में व्यस्त रहे। इसके बाद वह भारत लौट आए और 1959 तक विक्रम विश्वविद्यालय, उज्जैन में अतिथि प्राध्यापक रहे।

1962 में उन्होंने बंगलौर में प्रलेखन अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण केंद्र स्थापित किया और इसके प्रमुख बने और जीवनपर्यंत इससे जुड़े रहे।

1957 में भारत सरकार ने उन्हें पद्मश्री की उपाधि से सम्मानित किया। उनके जन्म दिन 12 अगस्त को पुस्तकालयाध्यक्ष दिवस (Librarian's Day) मनाया जाता है।

Contribution in Library and Information Science : रंगनाथन द्वारा 1928 ई. मे पुस्तकालय विज्ञान के पाँच सूत्रों (Five Law of Library) का प्रतिपादन किया गया, जिससे पुस्तकालय सेवा को नया आयाम प्रपट हुआ। पुस्तकालय विज्ञान के लिए रंगनाथन का योगदान प्रायः सभी क्षेत्रों मे रहा।

उन्होने वर्गीकरण (Library Classification), सूचिकरण (Library Catalog), प्रबंधन (Management)और अनुक्रमणीकरण (इंडेक्सिंग) सिद्धांत था। उनके कोलन क्लासिफ़िकेशन(CC: Colon Classification - 1933 ई.) ने ऐसी प्रणाली शुरू की, जिसे विश्व भर में व्यापक रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जाता है।

इस पद्धति ने डेवी दशमलव वर्गीकरण जैसी पुरानी पद्धति के विकास को प्रभावित किया। सन 1934 में वर्गीकृत सूचिकरण पद्धति (CCC: Classified Cataloguing Code) का प्रकाशन हुआ उन्होने इसमे

अनुक्रमणीकरण प्रविष्टियों के लिए 'श्रृंखला अनुक्रमणीकरण' की तकनीक तैयार की।

उनकी फ़ाइव लॉज़ ऑफ़ लाइब्रेरी साइंस (1931) को पुस्तकालय सेवा के आदर्श एवं निर्णायक कथन के रूप में व्यापक रूप से स्वीकृत किया गया। उन्होंने राष्ट्रीय और कई राज्य स्तरीय पुस्तकालय प्रणालियों की योजनाएँ तैयार की।

कई पत्रिकाएँ स्थापित और संपादित की और कई व्यावसायिक समितियों में सक्रिय रहें। 

Listed below are some facts on the noted scholar that you must know:

  • He was born on August 9, 1982 in present day Tamil Nadu
  • India celebrates August 12 as Librarians Day in his honour
  • His most notable contributions to the field are his five laws of library science
  • His Colon Classification (1933) introduced a system that is widely used in research libraries around the world
  • In 1924 he was appointed first librarian of the University of Madras, and in order to fit himself for the post he travelled to England to study at University College, London
  • In 1957 he was elected an honorary member of the International Federation for Information and Documentation (FID) and was made a vice-president for life of the Library Association of Great Britain
  • In 1962, he founded and became head of the Documentation Research and Training Centre in Bangalore
  • He also drafted plans for a national and several state library systems
  • Prior to his occupation as Librarian, he was a teacher of Physics and Mathematics
  • In the year 1965, the Indian government honoured him with the title of national research professor in library science
  • The government of India conferred on him Padma Shree, the country's fourth highest civilian honour, in 1957.

प्रारम्भिक जीवन और शिक्षा

रंगनाथन का जन्म 12 अगस्त 1892 (उनके डॉक्यूमेंट के अनुसार) को शियाली, मद्रास वर्तमान चेन्नई में हुआ था। रंगनाथ की शिक्षा शियाली के हिन्दू हाई स्कूल, मद्रास क्रिश्चयन कॉलेज में (जहां उन्होने 1913 और 1916 में गणित में बी ए और एम ए की उपाधि प्राप्त की) और टीचर्स कॉलेज, सईदापेट्ट में हुयी। 1917 में वे गोवर्नमेंट कॉलेज, मंगलोर में नियुक्त किए गए। बाद में उन्होने 1920 में गोवर्नमेंट कॉलेज, कोयंबटूर और 1921-23 के दौरान प्रेजिडेंसी कॉलेज, मद्रास विश्वविद्यालय में अध्यापन कार्य किया। 1924 में उन्हें मद्रास विश्वविद्यालय का पहला पुस्तकालयाध्यक्ष बनाया गया और इस पद की योग्यता हासिल करने के लिए वे यूनिवर्सिटी कॉलेज, लंदन में अध्ययन करने के लिए इंग्लैंड गए। परन्तु मन नही लगने पर वे वापस लौट आए 1925 से मद्रास में उन्होने यह काम पूरी लगन से शुरू किया और 1944 तक वे इस पद पर बने रहे। 1945-47 के दौरान उन्होने बनारस (वर्तमान वाराणसी) हिन्दू विश्वविद्यालय में पुस्तकालयाध्यक्ष और पुस्तकालय विज्ञान के प्राध्यापक के रूप में कार्य किया व 1947-54 के दौरान उन्होने दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय में पढ़ाया। 1954-57 के दौरान वे ज्यूरिख, स्विट्जरलैंड में शोध और लेखन में व्यस्त रहे। इसके बाद वे भारत लौट आए और 1959 तक विक्रम विश्वविद्यालय उज्जैन में अतिथि प्राध्यापक रहे। 1962 में उन्होने बंगलोर में प्रलेखन अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण केंद्र स्थापित किया और इसके प्रमुख बने और जीवनपर्यंत इससे जुड़े रहे। 1965 में भारत सरकार ने उन्हें पुस्तकालय विज्ञान में राष्ट्रीय शोध प्राध्यापक की उपाधि से सम्मानित किया।

पुस्तकालय सेवा में आदर्श भूमिका

सन् 1924 के पूर्व भारत में ग्रन्थालय व्यवसाय, लिपिक कार्य और घरों में ग्रन्थों तथा ग्रन्थ जैसी वस्तुओं को रखने का धन्धा मात्र ही समझा जाता था। यह सन् 1924 का समय था जब भारत के ग्रन्थालयी दृश्य पर डॉ॰ रंगनाथन का आगमन हुआ, वे प्रथम विश्वविद्यालयीय पुस्तकालयाध्यक्ष थे, जो मद्रास विश्वविद्यालय में नियुक्त किये गये। वे अपने जीवन के प्रथम 25 वर्षों के दौरान अपने को एकल-अनुसंधान में तल्लीन करके तथा शेष 25 वर्षों में दलअनुसंधान का संगठन करके भारत में ग्रन्थालयी दृश्य को पहले परिवर्तित किया। अपने पुस्तकालयी व्यवसाय के 48 वर्षों के दौरान, उन्होंने भारत में ग्रन्थालय व्यवसाय की उन्नति के लिए एक महान भूमिका निभाई. भारत के प्रथम राष्ट्रपति डॉ॰ राजेन्द्र प्रसाद ने डॉ॰ रंगनाथन के 71वें जन्म वर्षगाँठ के अवसर पर बधाई देते हुये लिखा, "डॉ॰ रंगनाथन ने न केवल मद्रास विश्व-विद्यालय ग्रन्थालय को संगठित और अपने को एक मौलिक विचारक की तरह प्रसिद्ध किया अपितु सम्पूर्ण रूप से देश में ग्रन्थालय चेतना उत्पन्न करने में साधक रहे। विगत 40 वर्षों के दौरान उसके कार्य और शिक्षा का ही परिणाम है कि भारत में ग्रन्थालय विज्ञान तथा ग्रन्थालय व्यवसाय उचित प्रतिष्ठा प्राप्त कर सका।

डॉ॰ रंगनाथन ने अत्यधिक सृजनात्मक उत्साह के साथ कार्य किया। उन्होंने स्वयं के विचारों को विकसित किया। उन्होंने बार-बार पुस्तकें व शोध-पत्र लिखे. उन्होंने जन-ग्रन्थालय विधेयकों का मसौदा (प्रारूप) तैयार किया और राष्ट्रीय तथा अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय क्रिया-कलापों को प्रोत्साहित किया तथा सहयोग दिया। निम्नलिखित विभिन्न व्यक्तिगत विशेषताएँ हैं जिससे डॉ॰ रंगनाथन ने भारत में पुस्तकालय व्यवसाय को प्रोत्साहित किया, जैसे: प्रजनक लेखक, वर्गीकरणाचार्य और वर्गीकरणकर्त्ता, सूचीकरणकर्त्ता, संगठनकर्त्ता, अध्यापक-शिक्षक-गुरू, दाता, सभापति, अध्यक्ष, सलाहकार, सदस्य, प्रलेखनाज्ञाता इत्यादि।

Friday, August 6, 2021


Courtesy : Mr Om Prakash Uraitee, TGT (AE)