Friday, September 3, 2021

Celebration of National Nutrition Week (राष्ट्रीय पोषण सप्ताह) 2021


National Nutrition Week

National Nutrition Week is used to make the people get every knowledge about Nutrition and it’s Importance for the Human Body. It is used to celebrate from the 1st of September to the 7th of September to make the people focus on Nutrition for their better health. Every people are used to get better Health for their better living. One has to make sure to do every task with proper Health for it’s the quick and better achievement of it.

People are used to carrying out their tasks for the betterment and welfare of the people. Nutrition is very important for the Human Body as well as many other living beings as due to it everyone can carry out their work properly and accurately.

There are many people today in India who are Malnourished and require a proper diet for their better Body Growth. The government has made many of the Seminars and also Camps to give the proper Education to every Child and Citizen in the India Country. Every Child in India should grow better without any problem of Nutrition.

People are very curious today to make their Body grow to work better and more in their Companies. They are used to eat many of the Powders as well as Healthy Diet to get all the Important Nutrition for their better health. So it is quite important for people to create a better attitude towards Health. It is very necessary for people to get every Important Nutrition to their Body to work quickly and properly. The government has organized many of the Camps to create a lot of better Attitudes to maintain and focus on their Body Growth.

It is very tough to maintain the Body when people work for more than their Limits. It is useful to eat a better diet than to eat Junk foods which are made outside the House to keep the Body maintain and also to grow better. It is likely to be easy to get the proper health of a person when He/She gets a proper Diet in their Daily Life. So it is helpful for every people to eat those types of food which they can better Nutrition to their Body for increasing their Body for any type of Simple as well as Difficult work.

It is very important for the people to carry out a proper timetable of the Lunch and Dinner for eating the Food for their better health. Many of the people in India, Eat their Food before the Evening as it is reported by the Scientists that every food for its Digestion takes at least 4 hours to completely digest the Food and give Energy to the Body. So It is recommended to the people to eat their Lunch and the Dinner before the Evening time to make their Body consume the Food and Digest it in a lot of Time properly.  It is advisable to get a proper treatment of the Doctors to make a proper Body to do any type of work.

Celebration of the National Nutrition Week

National Nutrition Week is used to celebrate for making the people to know about proper Health by eating proper Nutrition Foods and to get them the Importance of the Nutrition to their Body. It is very easy for people to maintain their bodies, but it is very difficult for people to decrease or increase their Body when they have high weight or low weight. It is very important to recommend the Doctors to get a proper treatment to increase or decrease their Body for making their Body as per their well Body requirement.

All people should get a better Body for their work in any Small as well as Big Companies. Nowadays every Company requires that type of person who can be able to take a lot of pressure and work for more Hours with all the difficult as well as Simple Tasks to be achieved in a particular time period. People today are used to work for more than 12 to 14 hours and they are pressurized to do all the work for a limited time period. So It is important for every people to keep their Health Better with proper Nutritious food to be eaten daily to keep their Body better after a lot of stressful work.

Every people require their Body to grow in such a manner that they can do any of the Simple as well as complex tasks in a quick and accurate manner for their own betterment. One can be able to manage and tackle every task properly when they have proper Food in their daily life schedule. So it is necessary for the people to get proper Food for their own Better Health to achieve all their goals in life. It is possible to make better health by eating a proper Food and also if the Doctor recommends the person to take Medicines or Powders for their better health.

It is very important to look after the Health First for doing any type of work easily and accurately without any mistakes. One should not take any type of Powders or Medicines of the Health without the recommendation of the Doctors. Today there are lots of people who are using many of the Nutrition Products for their proper health and to increase their Body for any huge amount of work. Many are used to go to the Gyms to make the Body give a proper Shape and Size and to make their Body grow in order to do a lot of High amounts of stressful work.

Today many companies are used to make the people work for many hours and they are to give a lot of stressful tasks to make the people achieve a lot of their goal in a very limited period of time. So people should be Healthy enough to handle and tackle all the possible tasks to complete it in a particular time period. All people should drink at least 3 to 4 liters of water for their proper Health. So it is recommended by all the Doctors to focus first on the Health before any type of Simple as well as Difficult work to manage it for achieving a lot of goals in a successful way.

The Food and Nutrition Board of Ministry of Women & Child Development, through its 43 Community Food and Nutrition Extension Units (CFNEUs) located in 30 States/UTs, will coordinate with concerned Department of the State/UT Governments, National Institutions, NGOs and organize State/UT Level Workshops, Orientation Training of Fields Functionaries, Awareness Generation Camps, Community meetings during the week on the specified theme.

Large numbers of State, district and village level activities are being organized during this week. One day workshops will be held to sensitize and for capacity building of State/Districts Level officers on the importance of nutrition for better health. There will be lecture cum demonstration on low-cost nutritious recipes for grassroots level functionaries like school teachers, Anganwadi workers and helpers, village women and Mahila Samiti. Mini exhibition on nutrition displaying low-cost nutritious diets for different age groups will also be organized at the grassroots level.

Awareness generation on weight management and its importance through the Body Mass Index will be held for adolescent boys and girls. Besides, there will be a large number of activities like quiz competition on nutrition and competition on preparation of nutritious recipes. Awareness programs will be held at the village level through puppet shows, skits, dance & drama, films, slide shows, AV Spots, nutrition rallies, etc.

Themes of the National Nutrition Week

National Nutrition Week is used to celebrate the People who are not aware of the Nutrition facts and they are able to get all the possible knowledge about all the Functions of Nutrition. Nutrition makes every people do any of the tasks for many hours without any problem to their health.

So the government has made many of the Themes to give the people all the Nutrition ideas and their requirements to their Bodies. So there are lots of Themes to make the people get to focus on all the Nutrition Facts and the Themes are as follows:-

National Nutrition Week 2021 Theme :

·         The celebration of National Nutrition Week is based on a theme every year, and the theme for National Nutrition Week 2021 is “feeding smart right from start”, which focuses on consuming the right kind of food to keep yourself fit and healthy.

The government is used to solve a lot of problems with the Health of the People by giving them all the Nutrition advantages. National Nutritional Week is used to make the people give them proper techniques to protect and control the problems of the Nutritional with lots of research on Nutrition. The government is used to control the situation of the country for the Nutrition as well as better Diet. The government is used to make lots of ideas to make every plan to hold a National Nutrition program and to do all the operational research for Nutritional Facts.

Today there are lots of people who are not able to get Food for their survival due to the problem of Money. So they used to eat from many of the stalls to finish their hunger. There are many Organizations by which every people are used to get all the information to get all the training from many high-level trainers. People today make all the ideas to cooperate with a lot of people forgetting them every knowledge to make the proper decision for their better health. So it is important for everyone to get all the information about the Facts and functioning of all the Nutrients.

Today due to the difference in the Climatic Condition, each and every people require various Nutrients for their Better health. Due to the Sunlight, Many of the Important Nutrients are thrown out the people’s Bodies.

Nutrients are most important for every people to work in a better manner. So due to the sunlight in the Afternoon, people are used to getting tired of the loss of Important Nutrients from their Bodies. So It is important for all the people to eat a lot of food with a lot of Water in the Summer Season to restore all the energy which is thrown out by the Body.